
I'm working with Cocoon2.0-rc1a and Tomcat 3.2.3 on a Linux-Server.
With Tomcat everything is fine, but yesterday I tried to call Cocoon from the
command line.
I did not find any documentation on command line parameters and options, only
the definition of
COCOON_LIB and COCOON_WORK environment variables in run.sh.
After some hours my Cocoon command line environment nearly works, but there is a
problem left:

I can not get the Oracle JDBC (thin) driver to work. I think it has do do with
the missing initialization of the JDBC driver class.

When Cocoon is called from Tomcat, there is a configuration file called web.xml
in the WEB-INF directory, where the initial parameters - like load-class - are

What is the right way to specify these settings for command line execution?

Many thanks in advance

PS: How can I specify directories, like the application directory, which is
assumed to be "./webapp" etc.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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