I made a successful test that FOP was generated a pdf file consisted of Korean.
But, I could not make a pdf consisted of Korean with C2.

Though FOP generate a pdf file using embed fonts, C2 seems to generate a pdf without 
embed fonts.

I'd like to know if what I said is right.
And If C2 can use embed fonts like Korean, Let me know how C2 uses embed fonts.
If possible, Let me take a example.


ps.I attached  a log what I made a test below.

1.Shell script with FOP
-generating metrics file using Korean ttf.
-writing a user config file
-making successfully a Korean pdf file with fop-0_20_1-dev.jar of C2.

2.Web browser with C2.
-error that was made an unrecognized pdf file included Korean, when the server with 
the environment described above was accessed.

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