At 01:02 AM 12/5/01 +0100, you wrote:
>In the default-sitemap there are a few examples:
><map:serializers default="html">
>     <map:serializer name="html"   mime-type="text/html"
>         <doctype-public>-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN</doctype-public>
>         <encoding>iso-8859-1</encoding>
>     </map:serializer>
>Like encoding is specified here, everything else of <xsl:output> has to be
>specified too. I don't know whether there are any limitations in comparison
>with <xsl:output>.

Looks like there are limitations.  I can't specify the Xalan extension 
"xalan:indent-amount", for example.

Oh well.  Thanks for the info.


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