Title: Using Sybase via JDBC with cocoon 2

Hello everybody,

Rather than a problem report, here's a sucess story for a change.  (I couldn't find a reference to cocoon + Sybase in the archive so hopefully this will be handy in future) :

Environment: Tomcat 4.0; Cocoon 2; Windows 2000, Sybase server and; jConnect 5.2

Here's what I did to get cocoon 2 to talk to Sybase.

I've put the following in cocoon.xconf

    <jdbc name="sybcon">
       <pool-controller min="2" max="10" />

... the following in my sitemap.xconf

   <map:match pattern="sybsql/*">
    <map:generate src=""docs/samples/sql/{1}.xml"/>
    <map:transform type="sql">
      <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="sybcon"/>
           Let's have a look at the user docs: 
           "[...] The purpose of the SQLTransformer is to query a
        database and translate the result to XML. [...]"
    <map:transform src=""stylesheets/simple-sql2html.xsl"/>

... and the folllowing in my web.xml ...


Even though jconn2.jar was on my classpath when I started tomcat, for some reason the cocoon.log showed that the class wasn't getting loaded.  My remedy for this was to put a copy of jconn2.jar into C:\Program files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\cocoon\WEB-INF\lib

After that - once I'd created my query page it was plain sailing.

Hope this helps,


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