Add the following to your web.xml file (in WEB-INF)

      This parameter indicates the log level to use throughout startup of
the system.
      As soon as the logkit.xconf the setting of the logkit.xconf
configuration is
      used instead! Only for startup and if the logkit.xconf is not
      this log level is of importance.
      Available levels are:
        DEBUG:        prints all level of log messages.
        INFO:         prints all level of log messages except DEBUG ones.
        WARN:         prints all level of log messages except DEBUG and INFO
        ERROR:        prints all level of log messages except DEBUG, INFO
and WARN ones.
        FATAL-ERROR: prints only log messages of this level

Allbeit this turns on all logging, but you could filter out everything but
XIncludeTransformer with the logkit...



-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchell Christensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 1:52 PM
To: Cocoon-Users Mailing List (E-mail)
Subject: Logging...

Does anybody know how to "turn on" logging within a particular component?
I'm looking at the source code for the XIncludeTransformer and I see lots of
debug statements that start with getLogger().isDebugEnabled(), and I'm not
sure how to "enable" those traces.  I've perused logkit.xconf withoug seeing
anything obvious.

Thanks in advance.

Mitch Christensen
Principal Architect
Redknife, Inc.
3095 Independence Dr.
Livermore, CA  94550

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