Hi Bernhard,

thanks for your help, but I still have some trouble ...

>If the forum servlet is in the same servlet engine:
>I think you may try:
>xsp, and use of RequstDispatcher.include(),
>Pass in include() the original request

I tried to use something like:

javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
dispatcher.include(request, response);

But this won't compile, because org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpRequest
is does not implement javax.servlet.ServletRequest.
What can I do instead? Do I have to build my own javax.servlet.ServletRequest object?

BTW - is this the right approach to this problem?
How is the result of the response included in this XSP page?

>, I don't know if the orginal
>request still has the post info, may be you have
>to create a new request. If you are using a Servlet 2.3 you may use
>Try reading the serlvet spec,
>see componentents/jsp java source file how to use the include().

Which file do you mean?
I looked in cocoon.components.jsp.JSPEngineImpl, but didn't find anything ...


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