
I've just discovered the joys of Cocoon. Installation of both
Cocoon 2 and Tomcat 4 on Win95 went remarkably smoothly despite
my trepidation. The only problem I recall is running out of
environment space when running the batches. I had to make a
shortcut to the batches and control the environment space through
the shortcut properties.

Now I've got some really dumb questions which you are free to
ignore. I won't be this stupid for long. I've got as far as
serving up my own XML/XSLT combo. Fantastic. Now,

1. How do I serve a static HTML file, ie. what do I have to put
in sitemap?

2. What reason is there not to abandon Apache httpd altogether
and simply assign Cocoon to port 80 and serve everything from
there. (Suspect 1 and 2 may be connected ).

3. How do I serve my PHP files through Cocoon? I notice there is
a PHPGenerator in the libraries. But what do I put in the
sitemap. What about CGI / Perl ? Any chance of that?

4. Upon whom do I pour my plaudits for this wonderful
institution, cocoon.

Stephen Clarke

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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