Hello all
Before I get flamed - let me apologize for probably an inappropriate posting
to the group -but I AM using Cocoon/Tomcat/Servlets/etc. so I'm hoping
someone out there has encountered my problem (and has a FIX) and desperation
has set in so....

Particulars: Tomcat 3.3, Cocoon 1.8.2.  Cocoon used to serve html form pages
for user updating, etc.  When the form is sent to the server (submitted) it
is sent to a servlet of mine running in Tomcat.  The servlet munges the data
etc. etc.  The problem is with IE as the client browser.  For 5 out of 6 (or
thereabouts) times, accessing the servlet via URL works fine.  The 6th time
I get the infamous "The Page cannot be displayed", Can't find server, blah
blah.  I've searched many news groups/microsoft support/etc. without
success.  Has anyone in this group encountered this #^%&#^ problem?


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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