I've already published the reply.
Did you get it?
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Blake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 января 2002 г. 12:34
Cc: Alex Kachanov
Subject: Re: use-browser-capabilities-db

Hi Alex,

When you say 'cracked' this feature do you mean you have worked out how to use it, or have lost your mind trying? :)

If you have worked it out, would you provide a brief explanation and code example on how it worked?

Thanks in advance. Have fun,


On Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 01:58 PM, Alex Kachanov wrote:

I managed to crack this feature.

 -----Original Message-----

From: Phil Blake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Subject: Re: use-browser-capabilities-db

Has anyone had any success getting the browser info? From the messages below, I get the impression that it is partially working but no example as to how.

I'm going to make a guess based on this thread - can someone who knows please correct anything/everything... :)

In sitemap.xmap you must set 'use-browser-capabilities-db' to true as in the following example:

<map:generate src="docs/{1}.xml"/>

<map:transform type="xslt" src="stylesheets/test.xsl">

<map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>

<map:parameter name="use-browser-capabilities-db" value="true"/>



In the xsl doc <?!?>, add a parameter as in the following example from Bartomeu Adrover:

        <xsl:param name="browser"/>

Then, apparently, you can refer to the browser param with gay abandon as in the following example:

        <xsl:value-of select="$broswer">

Is this right? It doesn't work when I try it.

Would Bartomeu Adrover be able to email some example code as you seem to have it working?

Thanks in advance.


On Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 11:21 PM, Alex Kachanov wrote:

BrowserImpl.xml - is Cocoon2 browser capability database file - that stores the different

values of different browsers. Cocoon hashes this file and recognizes the UA by User-Agent

header. So there is no need to pas any additional parameters in the HTTP request except

User-agent string (which is a standard header)

This is how I can adapt and prepare the content file before sending it to the client.

This functionality is switched on by setting "use-browser-capabilities-db" to "true"

in sitemap.xmap

Howevere, only some of the variables declared in BrowserImpl.xml become visible for XSLT,

and of course not the variables that I need.

p.s. I need to forget about javaScript - cellphones do not know what it is.

-----Original Message-----

From: Bartomeu Adrover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: 15 ?????? 2002 ?. 21:14


Subject: Re: use-browser-capabilities-db

I don't know what is the BrowserImpl.xml do, but if you want to retrive the browser

screen size, you must put this value as param value using javascript code and retrieve

this value as normal parameter in the xslt.

When you do an http connection you don't pass this value and the server (in our case

the cocoon) don't know this value.

Alex Kachanov wrote:


I have

<browser media="explorer">




in BrowserImpl.xml

How can I get the screen-width variable in XSL?

<xsl:param> or <xsl:variable> are not working for this variable

-----Original Message-----

From: Bartomeu Adrover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: 15 "'"~"r"p","' 2002 "s. 20:16


Subject: Re: use-browser-capabilities-db

You can retrieve in a XSLT this values as parameters (with the <xsl:param> tag):





Declare this parmeter in the top of the xslt as simple form parameters

<xsl:param name="accept"/>

<xsl:param name="user-agent"/>

<xsl:param name="browser"/>

<xsl:param name="browser-media"/>

Alex Kachanov wrote:

This information is not enough to understand how it works for a non-Java guru guy

-----Original Message-----

From: Bartomeu Adrover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Subject: Re: use-browser-capabilities-db

There are any information about this in the source code of the xslt


Alex Kachanov wrote:

There is a parameter in sitemap "use-browser-capabilities-db"

does any one know how to use this parameter?

The documentation tells about some browser capability database

but where is it in the filesystem?

with best wishes

Alexander Kachanov


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