in my opinion it is a good idea to make such a meeting,
and the CeBIT will be a cool place. I'm really interested to join these

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2002 11:12
Betreff: Re: Cocoon "get-together" at CeBIT

Matthew Langham wrote:
> Hi,
> CeBIT 2002 will be upon us soon (13th - 20th of March) and this seems like
> an ideal place to showcase Cocoon based solutions (we will be) and perhaps
> have some form of a "get-together". Therefore, we have decided to book a
> small conference room on Tuesday the 19th so that any interested parties
> meet there.
> The goal of such a get-together could be to at last meet the developers,
> discuss how Cocoon should develop over time and perhaps showcase what you
> are doing with Cocoon. We could develop an agenda and time-frame as CeBIT
> gets closer.
> We have been able to pry the necessary $$ for the conference room from the
> powers to be and would be willing to "donate" the room. Please note that
> is "only" a room with tables and chairs for 16 people (perhaps a few more
> standing). There is no infrastructure or refreshments :-) - so anyone
> showcasing stuff will need to bring a laptop.
> So, the aim of this email is to see whether there is enough interest for
> some sort of "get-together" so we can go ahead with actually booking the
> room. And it gives you chance to plan your CeBIT visit to fit.
> Lets hear it then..

Uh, that would be a great idea. Thanks guys, very appreciated.

I currently can't say anything for sure, but I'd be interested in
partecipating (although, I have to admit, 1000Kms are not exactly 'a
breeze' for a day get-together :/)

Stefano Mazzocchi      One must still have chaos in oneself to be
                          able to give birth to a dancing star.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             Friedrich Nietzsche

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