
I'm quite an experienced Cocoon2 users, but I am not totally happy with
the current approach I'm using in my own website. I was hoping if some of
you would like to share your personal approach to the following issue:

Let's say, on a local intranet, you have two pages: one displays all the
employees, the other one displays departments.
The sitemap contains two internal pipelines: data/employees.xml and
data/departments.xml, to fetch this data from the database (with an xsp).
Each employee in employees.xml is formatted according to an exmployee.xsd

Now, the information about the department (in departments.xml) also
contains the department's manager... who happens to be an employee. So
this manager should also follow the employee.xsd schema.

My question is: how do you manage such a case? Do you map the sql-columns
into the correct xml-elements in *each* of the xsp-pages (and what
happens when the number of pages, dependant of this schema grows)?

Currently, I construct an xinclude-statement in the department-page that
fetches the manager from the employees.xml-file with
employees.xml#xpointer(//employee[@id=<xsp:get-int column="managerid"])
but this causes a lot of overhead when -for example- I want to include each
employee for every department...

I hope this makes some sense...


Koen Pellegrims

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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