On 17.Jan.2002 -- 06:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone please confirm for me what the current status/direction 
> of support for stored procs, i.e. CallableStatement, in ESQL is 
> currently, before I go and add my own extensions?

There is a proposed patch by Peter Durrant on it (which I
unfortunately didn't manage to apply) a one written by myself which
is a bit more flexible I think. Today I tried it with an INFORMIX
IUS9.23 but got an "The cursor has been previously released and is
unavailable." error message which I don't quite understand.

I will to verify my suspicion of the cause with another RDBMS shortly
(i.e. PostgreSQL).

Had just now some problems with CVS but will try to commit what is
already there ASAP. (It doesn't hurt but doesn't fly either.)


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