> From: Jozsa Kristof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi,
> Today I've redesigned my sitemap structure, so it's much cleaner (for
> at least;), but since then, page access had slowed down significally.
> avarage (cached) page comes up in ~1.8 sec (mesaured with 'time wget
> and this is horrible slow, even comparing to the yesterday results.
> After switching to Cocoon 2.0.1 about a week ago, I noticed some
> tool built in. If I would like to profile the page access to find out
> got slower, but how do I do it exactly? I switch on the profiler
> uncommenting <profiler/> in cocoon.xconf, and..?

1. Enable profiler (search for profiler in the cocoon.xconf), several
components needs to be configured.
2. Add ProfilerGenerator to the generators in the sitemap.xmap (read
source files if there is no documentation)
3. Have pipeline with the profiler generator to see profiler results
4. Exercise your app
5. Access profiler results (pipeline from (3))
6. Write documentation for the profiler and send to the developers list

PS: Profiler won't help you much with the sitemap, it will show only
execution time for the every step of the every pipeline.

PPS: Profiler slows down the system - which is obvious


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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