
I am also migrating from C1 to C2. I have tried to migrate changing as lessc
 ode as possible. I have noticed that if I use a very basic generator, 
which doesn't use the avalon framework, the amount of memory used by cocoonk
 eep increasing at each request. Well that's quite normal I guess since myg
 enerator can't be recycled...
The real bad thing that I can reproached to C2 is the amount of memory usedb
 y the sitemap. Even with a simple one, about 30MB of memory are used... Ist
 here a way to reduce this amount ?


At 18:34 08/02/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>I have a c1 application and migrated it to c2.
>I have both (c1 and c2) running in the same environment (tomcat 3.3) on
>the same machine.
>I did a first very basic performance test by just hiting the reload
>button of my browser several times very quickly and found:
>single request processing time: 10 ms
>multiple requests: 15 ms, 20 ms, 16 ms,...
>single request processing time: 10 ms
>multiple requests: 500 ms, 4000 ms, 6000 ms,...
>where does it get stuck? is something blocking? how to find out? anyone
>with similar experiences?
>Hans-Günter Stein
>Vorstand, SiteOS AG
>Weißenfelderstraße 3
>85551 Kirchheim/Heimstetten (München)
>Tel. +49 - 89 - 90 77 66 00
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