> From: Andre Thenot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Never mind -- I found where to look: in the request.xsl
> logicsheet in the cocoon.jar file.
> And btw, it works! (I needed to use as="object" for the array case).
>    Is there any documentation project going on?

It's kind of going on continuously in the CVS :)

> I'd like to consider helping out some.

This would be terrific! Just grab the CVS, or, if you don't have CVS
client, just go to 
modify any doc where you feel you can contribute, and send in the
patches to the developer list!

Preferred patches are generated by "diff -u" command between original
file and modified one.

> Things really aren't too hard to
> understand looking at the XSL but for the newcomer, it takes a
> while to find out where to start.
> A.



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