ok...I was right - it was something stupid.

I was inheriting from ConfigurableComposerAction but then masking the
ComponenetManager variable in my class, and not providing an implementation
of compose() to correspond. Looking up componenets off of a null
ComponenetManager doesn't appear to work very well.

That said, Things like NullPointer exceptions thrown during configure() ever
make it to the stack trace in the result, which made finding this a bit
harder, and even made it look a bit like my Action was not even being found.

> ----------
> From:         Lewis, Andrew  J
> Sent:         Wednesday, February 13, 2002 11:31 AM
> Subject:      RE: UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the
> component on custom Action
> I sent this to the wrong list earlier...sorry...
>       ----------
>       From:   Lewis, Andrew  J
>       Sent:   Wednesday, February 13, 2002 10:22 AM
>       To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>       Subject:        UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find
> the component on custom Action
>       I'm using Cocon 2.0.1 release, and developing a custom action. I
> have functionality of the Action embedded in a Generator, and working, but
> I need to extract it. I am currently passing it two parameters in the
> sitemap, just as I was with the Generator, but with the Action I am
> getting the following exception when attempting to retrieve the parameters
> within configure().
>       Probably a stupid mistake on my part, but not having any luck with
> it....
>       org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException:
> UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint:
> manipulator 
>       Any help would be appreciated...Thanks!

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