Hi Peter,

The message comes from webapp/Web-inf/lib/javac.jar, which is included with
Cocoon2. It must be the old java compiler jar, from 1.2 or 1.3. The JDK jars
were reorganised into rt.jar and tools.jar about then, so its contents are
probably part of one or both of those. I don't know why it's included with
Cocoon though! I suppose you could remove it from the tomcat
(webapps/cocoon/Web-inf/lib) directory and see if anything breaks or works!?



-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Flynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 21 February 2002 3:17
Subject: Re: Stuck setting up Cocoon 2.0.1 with Tomcat 4.0.2

Marcelo F. Ochoa wrote:

> >message: error: Invalid class file format in
> >/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/rt.jar(java/io/IOException.class). The
> >major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
> >
> >What is "this tool"? Cocoon? Java1.4.0? Tomcat4.0.1?

>   Humm, seem to be a problem of jdk1.4.0, replace cocoon and tomcat's 
> tools.jar by the jdk1.4.0 version of this jar.

But neither cocoon nor tomcat has any tools.jar file!

# cd cocoon-2.0.1
# find . -name 'tools*'
# find /var/tomcat4 -name 'tools*'

These are both full, fresh distros downloaded the other day.

Should I be looking for a hidden file or a file called something other
than tools.jar?

I can copy Sun's jdk tools.jar but that seems a little pointless as
it's presumably the one being used anyway.


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