On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> I just compiled the fresh CVS and I got a bunch of compilation errors
> such as
> class org.apache.cocoon.components.language.markup.xsp.EsqlConnection
> must
> be declared abstract. It does not define void setHoldability(int) from
> interface java.sql.Connection.
>     [javac] public class EsqlConnection implements Connection {
>     [javac]              ^
> and so on.
> The ant task should be turning that code into comments if JDBC3 is not
> found.
> Now, if you install JDK 1.4 on windows, it copies java.exe and javaw.exe
> in your %WINDOWS_SYSTEM% directory (c:\winnt\system32 on my machine).
> But i wanted to use JDK 1.3.1 to compile Cocoon so I updated my profile
> to have the JAVA_HOME and PATH set up correctly.
> The problem seems to be that Ant calls System.run() and the JDK 1.4
> java.exe is picked up, no matter what PATH definition you have.
> So, the JVM that runs ant is JDK 1.3, but the one used to check
> availability of JDBC3 is JDK 1.4, thus the problem.
> Deleting java.exe and javaw.exe from /winnt/system32 resolved the
> problem.

Aaahhhhh.... great you resolved this. There were a couple of posts on
cocoon-users about this

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