Stephan Michels wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> > Stephan Michels wrote:
> > > I try to use cocoon with xindice.
> >
> > Please avoid, if possible, the XML:DB generators, swith to the Source
> > implementation, which allows you to use straightforward XML:DB URIs in
> > your sitemap. The generators are going to be deprecated and abandoned in
> > a short while.
> Okay, thank you.
> > Anyway, as for your problem, try to correct this:
> > > <base>xmldb:dbxml:///db/</base>
> >
> > Base should be is xmldb:xindice///db/.
> >
> > Also, you are getting the error from the XML:DB source protocol, not
> > from the generators, please double check your settings:
> I also added the the line
> <driver type="xindice"
> class="org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl"/>
> into the cocoon.xconf
> When I now try the request
> http://vernjava:8080/cocoon/xmldb/addressbook?xpath=//person[lname=%27Cletu
> I got following exception:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Could not read resource
> xmldb:xindice://vernjava:4080/addressbook:
> java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -11
> at

You must quote the 'equal' sign too. IIRC is it %3D.


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