> From: Jeremy Quinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi All,
> Can anyone give me an example of aggregating with the
> I know how to do it for assets that come from the FileGenerator but
> anything else.

What's the difference?

    <map:aggregate element="page" ns="http://foo.bar.com/myspace";>
        Aggregation is a very powerful concept that allows a document
        be generated from several other documents. Strictly speaking,
        all parts are just concatenated in this order to a new

    Several things to note here:

    "cocoon:" is a pseudo protocol and refers to another
      pipeline. "cocoon:/" refers to a pipeline from the current
      sitemap while "cocoon://" refers to a pipeline from the root

    Other pseudo protocols exist:

    "context:" is another pseudo protocol, "context://" is
      refering to a resource using the servlet context.

    "resource:" is yet another pseudo protocol, "resource://" is
      refering to a resource from the context classloader.

    These pseudo protocols are declared in cocoon.xconf

    Thus the parts refer to the pipeline fragments above.

    The element attribute places the content in a new root element
    named as specified, using the namespace provided by the ns

    Please see docs for further explanations.
     <map:part src="cocoon:/path/to/my/directory/" element="dir"

Provided that directory "path/to/my/directory/" is created under cocoon
webapp, it should work.

(map:part will be processed by pipeline
   <map:match pattern="**/">
    <map:generate type="directory" src="{1}"/>
    <map:transform src="stylesheets/system/directory2html.xsl"/>


> Thanks for any help.
> regards Jeremy
> --
>    ___________________________________________________________________
>    Jeremy Quinn                                           Karma Divers
>                                                        webSpace Design
>                                             HyperMedia Research Centre
>    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    <phone:+44.[0].20.7737.6831>             <pager:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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