
I try to produce SVG with cocoon 2. And this work well with the following 
sitemap and corresponding xml and stylesheet files.

     <map:match pattern="projects/*.xml"> 
       <map:generate type="file" src="projects/{1}.xml"/> 
       <map:transform type="xslt" src="stylesheets/proj2svg.xsl"/> 
       <!--map:serialize name="svgxml"/-->
       <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>                

This will transfer the svg to jpeg in order to show the image in a browser.
However some browsers could already render svg images (Mozilla/ie)+ Plugin. 
(this important for producing SVG-Javascript ). The browsers could render
the SVG just within an <embed> HTML Element! Could I produce SVG output
which I can dirctly visualize in a Browser?


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