Dear cocoon members.

My name is Shigeki Kosaka working in Japan.

I need your help, please.
Now I use cocoon1.8.2 in order to translate xml-files with xslt-files.

I want to make the file which fulfills the following two conditions.
But I can't.

 Following characters should be outputted to the beginning of an output file.
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-JP" ?>
  <!DOCTYPE bml PUBLIC "+//ARIB STD-B24:1999//DTD BML Document//JA" 
  <?bml bml-version="1.0" ?>

 Following characters should be outputted to the middle of an output file.


I added following charcters to,
  formatter.type.text/bml         = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XMLFormatter
  # BML 1.0 (strict)
  formatter.text/bml.doctype-public = +//ARIB STD-B24:1999//DTD BML Document//JA
  formatter.text/bml.doctype-system = bml_1_0.dtd
  formatter.text/bml.encoding = EUC-JP

and I describe the root-node of the xslt-file as below.
  <xsl:processing-instruction name="cocoon-format">
  <xsl:processing-instruction name="bml">

So condition1 is OK! but condition2 is...
  <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">

are translated into 

  <?xslt-next-is-raw formatter-to-dom?>

Next I changed as below...
  formatter.type.text/bml = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.HTMLFormatter

So condition2 is OK! as below...


are translated into 


But conditon1 is no good, because <?xml version="1.0"
 encoding="EUC-JP" ?>..... are not outputted.

How can I get the file which fulfills the two conditions.
Please show me the way.

Shigeki Kosaka

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