> I've spent several hours trying to install Cocoon2.0 on top of Tomcat4.1
> and it still isn't running. I donwloaded version 2.0.1 and that wouldn't
> even build.

I'm sorry to hear that. What is the error that comes up?

> So I downloaded version 2.0. According to the install instructions,
> with Cocoon 2.0 and Tomcat 4.x, the setup is supposed to be a piece of
> cake. Just run the build.bat, which will generate the
> /build/cocoon/cocoon.war and then simply copy that cocoon.war into
> tomcat/webapps. Then start up Tomcat and voila! When I start up Tomcat,
> there's definite noise in my machine and cocoon begins to compile it's
> classes, but I get errors from the Servlet Container when I try to hit it
> via the browser. Primarily, can't find some classes and
> NullPointerExceptions.

Could you please post them so we can take a look?

> I thought that the older version of the parser issue
> might have been it, and I tried putting in the latest xerces.jar inside
> Tomcat and renaming the older .jar, but in any case Tomcat 4.x claims to
> have the later xerces.jar version already. I was also using jdk1.4 and
> thought that might have been a problem, because a version of xerces.jar is
> included with that

I use JDK1.4; you just need to copy xerces and xml-apis under the /endorsed

> so I installed jdk1.3, but I still get an error trying
> to start up cocoon. Has anyone seen this? Should I be using an earlier
> version of the products maybe?

Please send us the relevant info-logs on these exact errors.
As for the version, usually the latest version is the best, and ATM the CVS
one is IMHO preferable.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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