
I've just installed Cocoon yesterday and i read the doc. Then, i
reproduce the greeting2 examples, that works well.

<?xml version="1.0">
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Core";>
  <xsp:logic>String msg="Hello world!";</xsp:logic>

i modify the "sitemap.xmap" file, to add this in an existing pipeline :
     <map:match pattern="test/greeting.html">
          <map:generate type="serverpages" src="test/greeting.xsp">

Then, i obtain a good xml result :
... <greeting>Hello world!</greeting>

But, i don't know how to reproduce the "greeting3" example.

When i write <greeting><greeting:hello-world/></greeting> in an XML file
and then the XSL file to transform <greeting:hello-world/> to
<xsp:expr>msg</xsp:expr>,  it  simply done
"<greeting><xsp:expr>msg</xsp:expr></greeting>" where i expected
<greeting>Hello world!</greeting>. the xsp process does not work.  May
be the error comes from my sitemap.xmap, i don't know how to run XSP
generator after a XSL transform.

   <map:match pattern="test/greeting.html">
          <map:generate src="test/greeting.xml">
          <map:transform src="test/greeting.xsl">
       <!--  HERE, How to pass the result to an XSP process ?? -->

Thanks for answer.

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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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