> From: Matthias Brunner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hello!
> I am experiencing difficulties when including xindice query results
> into XSPs.
> XML output works flawlessly! Only when I try to transform the result
> the nodes getting included by getContentAsSAX() are not processed at
> all.
> XSP:
> ...
> if (res.getResourceType().equals("XMLResource"))
>   ((XMLResource)res).getContentAsSAX(this.contentHandler);
> ...
> Is there anything wrong with passing contentHandler to other

It is Ok as long as you do not have any start/end Document calls.
EmbeddedXMLPipe will help you with this.

> How do I properly include already parsed XML data by using SAX,
> having to reparse it?

Do you mean DOM? Try DOMStreamer.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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