Use org.apache.cocoon.environment.Session instead of HttpSession.

See samples:

And documentation:

(Note that these files are from latest Cocoon, and had changed since
last Cocoon release. For example, create-session="true" attribute on
xsp:page element was introduced after Cocoon 2.0.1 release and will be
included into Cocoon 2.0.2 release)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefano Bonnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 9:44 AM
> Subject: Cocoon & Session
> Hi,
> I have an old C1 application where I use the HttpSession interface.
> I'd like to adapt this application to C2 but when I run it on C2 I
> an
> "HttpSession not found" error.
> Now, this application works with C1.
> How can I resolve this error?
> This is my xsp document:
> *******************
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <xsp:page
>  language="java"
>  xmlns:xsp="";
>  xmlns:xi="";>
> <xsp:structure>
>  <xsp:include>java.text.*</xsp:include>
>  <xsp:include>smit.vmi.ConfVmi</xsp:include>
>  <xsp:include>smit.vmi.UserProfile</xsp:include>
>  <xsp:include>smit.vmi.util.*</xsp:include>
> </xsp:structure>
> <xsp:logic>
>  ConfVmi vmiProperties = new ConfVmi();
>  String ipAddress = vmiProperties.getProperty("address");
> </xsp:logic>
> <page>
> <xsp:logic>
>         VMIdbProperty map = new VMIdbProperty();
>         UserProfile userP = new UserProfile();
>         userP.initUser(request.getParameter("user"),
> request.getParameter("password"),map);
>  if (userP.userFound()) {
>  //Session initialization
>  try {
>                 boolean set = false;
>                 Date date = new Date();
>   long millisecond = date.getTime();
>   HttpSession ses = request.getSession(true); // here here here
>                 ses.setMaxInactiveInterval(500);
>    if ((ses.isNew()) &amp;&amp;
> (request.getParameter("user").compareTo("root") != 0)) {
>    if ((millisecond - userP.getUserSessionTime()) >
> ses.getMaxInactiveInterval()*1000) {
>     userP.setUserSessionTime(millisecond);}
>    else {
>                         set = true;
>    response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL("error/moreses.xml"));
>                         ses.invalidate();}
>   }
>                 if (!set) {
>   System.out.println("VMI>>> User Session =
>   ses.setAttribute("Profile", userP);
>   response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL("select_services.xml"));
>                 }
>           }
>   catch(Exception e) {
>                 System.out.println("ERRORE: "+e.getMessage());
>   System.out.println("Fatal Error");
>   }
>  }
> else
> }
> </xsp:logic>
> </page>
> </xsp:page>
> **************
> ---
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