> From: Ed Jenkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Yesterday, we upgraded to Cocoon 2.0.2dev.  In that version, in
> cocoon.xconf, the default compiler was switched from Javac to Pizza.
> Pizza is reporting some compilation errors in my XSP files that were
OK when
> compiled with Javac.  Also, I believe the JLS would not consider this
to be
> an error.

I don't think so.

> Here is a small example of the code:
> <xsp:logic>
>     private void setSomething()
>     {
>         String s =
>         "
>         <one>
>             <two>three</two>
>             <two>three</two>
>         </one>
>         ";
>         request.getSession().setAttribute("something", s);
>     }
> </xsp:logic>
> Here are the errors I'm getting:
> Line 106, column 13:  unclosed character literal
> Line 106, column 12:  illegal start of expression
> Line 139, column 14:  unclosed character literal

IIRC, compiler is right.

> When I change it to this, the errors go away:
> String s = "";
> I think it doesn't like it when a string literal is split up into
> lines.  What's up with that?

Use Python - it is the only language allowing this.


> I see that Pizza is made by SourceForge.  Who should I contact there
to ask
> about this?  www.sf.net is currently down.
> Ed

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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