
IMHO, in the script line you have to put the character itself and not "é"
because such an entity will not be substituted. So try the following:

parent.centerFrame.location.hash='#puissance réelle';

PS: I've not checked if the "%C3%A9" in an element's name will be translated by
script interpreter (and I don't know exactly a kind of interpreter you use) so
perhaps you need xsl:attribute element with CDATA section in your XML source.

Best regards

Matthieu Benéteau wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a little problem with the HTMLSerializer and accented letters in
> French.
> I'm working with Cocoon 2.0.1.
> All my XML files and stylesheets and all my components use the iso-8859-1
> encoding.
> In my XML file I have the following element, which has an é letter in
> attribute "nom" :
> <dimensionPhysique nom='puissance réelle' indexDimension='9'/>
> This element is correctly processed by a stylesheet to give the following
> <a name="puissance réelle"></a>
> <table>
>   <tr>
>     <td bgcolor="#EEDDEE">
>       <b>Dimension name :</b>
>       puissance réelle
>       <br/>
>       <b>Dimension index :</b>
>       9
>     </td>
>   </tr>
>   ...
> </table>
> So now the accented letter appears twice : once in the "name" attribute of
> an anchor, and once in the content of a table row. No problem here.
> The problem appears after serialization with the HTMLSerializer, which gives
> the following HTML :
> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
> ...
> <a name="puissance r%C3%A9elle"></a>
> <table>
>   <tr>
>     <td bgcolor="#EEDDEE">
>       <b>Dimension name : </b>
>       puissance r&eacute;elle
>       <br/>
>       <b>Dimension index : </b>
>       9
>     </td>
>   </tr>
>   ...
> </table>
> In the "name" atribute of the anchor, the &eacute; letter has been replaced
> by %C3%A9, so the following instruction will fail :
> parent.centerFrame.location.hash='#puissance r&eacute;elle';
> IMHO, this is not a correct behaviour of the HTMLSerializer.
> Am I right ?
> Matthieu
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