Stefano Bonnin wrote:

>I'm trying to convert an old C1 application in C2, but I found a lot of
>problems. All session (request/response) management has changed.
>For example:
>with C1 I wrote:
>if ((session.isNew()) and (myVariable == myValue)) {
>    .....
>    .....
>    response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL("My URL"));
>Now, with C2, how can I do this?
>I tried with this but without success:
>    if ((<session:is-new/>) and (myVariable == myValue)) {
>    .....
>    .....
>    response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL("My URL"));
>Line 149, column 33: Method sendRedirect(java.lang.String) not found in
>interface org.apache.cocoon.environment.Response
>and, ...., another problem:
>if I write
>    if ((session.isNew()) and (myVariable == myValue)) {
>    .....
>    .....
>    .....
>Cocoon return me: Line 121, column 8: Undefined variable or class name:
>why? In the Cocoon examples I read a document like this (whith "session"
>object used instead of xsp tags)
>Please, help me!
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Try for use that  <xsp-session:is-new/> :)


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