> From: Baer Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> We need a way to push parameters from the sitemap to XSP via a
> (of type serverpages).
> We can catch session and request parameters using
>   or request.getParameter(). With parameters.getParameter() we had no
> success, however. Nothing happens using the following configuration.
> Any suggestions most appreciated!
> Our sitemap looks like this:
> <map:match pattern="application/*">
>    <map:generate type="serverpages" src="record.xsp">
>      <map:parameter name="user_name" value="admin"/>
>    </map:generate>
> </map:match>
> Our XSP file looks like:
> <xsp:logic>
> try {
> String myParam = parameters.getParameter("user_name");
> }
> catch (Exception e)
> { }
> </xsp:logic>

Where you have this <xp:logic> tag? In what part of XSP? You must know
that the all <xsp:logic> tags right after <xsp:page> goes to class
definition, not the XSP body.

That's working for me:

<page xmlns:cinclude="http://apache.org/cocoon/include/1.0";>

  <body> <!-- NOTE: Document root tag here!!!! -->
        String color = parameters.getParameter("color");


> We also tried this:
> <parameters:get-parameter name="user_name"/>
> Regards
>       Peter


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