
    If you use "wildcard" matcher then you have to know that its pattern is
matched to URL WITHOUT query string, i.e. URL part before "?" sign. Query
string is passed in request object to your generator's src. So in your first
example {1} is "jsp/hello.htm" and {2} is EMPTY.

    Your second example seems to be correct if you have removed first one
from your sitemap or just put second one before the first, because
"jsp/hello_abc.htm" matches to "jsp/*.htm*".

    Best regards.

王红宝 wrote:

> Dear All:
>   when I use the cocoon, I config the xmap file like follows:
>  <map:match pattern="jsp/*.htm*">
>     <map:generate type="jsp" src="/docs/samples/jsp/{1}.jsp{2}"/>
>     <map:transform src="docs/samples/jsp/{1}.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize type="html"/>
>    </map:match>
> I request the url http://localhost:8080/cocoon/jsp/hello.htm?test=abc
> the page http://localhost:8080/cocoon/jsp/hello.jsp?test=abc works well.
> but I don't want the user feel this is a active page, so I change the
> xmap to the follows:
>  <map:match pattern="jsp/*_*.htm">
>     <map:generate type="jsp" src="/docs/samples/jsp/{1}.jsp?test={2}"/>
>     <map:transform src="docs/samples/jsp/{1}.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize type="html"/>
>    </map:match>
> but the webserver throw FileNotFound Exception.
> FileUtil: in safePath(E:\tomcat\webapps\cocoon, /docs/samples/jsp/hello.
> jsp?test
> =abc),
> realPath=E:\tomcat\webapps\cocoon\docs\samples\jsp\hello.jsp?test=abc
> java.io.IOException: 系统找不到指定的路径。
> I want to know how to implement this.
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