Title: Message
From: M. Reck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:29 AM
Subject: i18n questions

Hi all,

I am trying to develop a multilingual site by use of the i18n-Transformer.

But some questions arise:

1. Is it possible to have the translations for all languages in the same one file? I mean one file per site.
[KP] No, AFAIR, translations catalog follows Resource bundle logic, when you have separate file for every locale. 

2. Where do I have to put the dictionary and how do I call it from the xml-file resp. xsl-file?
[KP] See i18n sample from Cocoon. You'll find all necessary configuration hints in the root sitemap and the sub-sitemap from the sample. 

3. Why is there no dictionary.xml file in the i18n sample, but instead messages(_locale).xml files whose contents is quite different from the example for the dictionary entry in the documentation of the i18n transformer?
[KP] Dictionary handling were changed before the first release. Docs are out of date (there were a newer version, but for some reason it didn't reach Cocoon's CVS) and I'll try to update them. 

P.S. Please, use plain text format for your emails.

Any help is very much appreciated!


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