
I've made a test app with cocoon 2.0.2-dev that generates reports
from data in SQL Server database. 

On my laptop (win2000, jdk1.3.1_01, tomcat4.0.1) and test server
(win2000, jdk1.3.1_01, hpas8.0) response times are 200-800 ms but
on the production server (NT4.0, jdk1.3.1_01, hpas8.0) responses
are between 15 and 70 seconds.  

There is plenty of unused processor and memory capacity.
In fact it looks like queries on the cocoon app cause no load at all
on the server.

On the NT4 server there is also a servlet/JSP -based application
accessing the SQL Server with response times under 750 ms on similar

I've looked at logs but found nothing that would explain the behaviour.

Am I missing something obvious?
Thanks in advance for any help.


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