> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:38 AM
> Subject: RE: [Announcement] Apache Cocoon 2.0.2 Release
> Dear Cocoon Dev Team,
> Congratulations - I look forward eagerly to my download completing!.
> - I'm in the UK and BT haven't got ADSL working in my exchange so
> it'll take
> a while at 56k ;-{

Hi, thanks!

> Just a couple of nitpicks ...
> 1)    The cocoon homepage still referds to 2.0.1 :-
Yes, i'm currently updating it, so in some time it will be showing the new

> =======================
> Apache Cocoon 2.0.1 is the latest release of the XML publishing framework.
> If you are looking for Cocoon 1 go here.
> This documentation is not complete because documentation is never complete
> anyway. However the current release is stable and tested thoroughly and
> you'll find lots of samples which show and explain the power of Apache
> Cocoon 2.0.1. We welcome you into this new world of XML wonders :-)
> =======================
> 2)    There appears to be no source .zip in the distribution download
> directory.
> There's a src.tar.gz which will probably work for me - though
> tar.gz worries
> my antivirus.
> There's even a src.zip.sig !
Yes, thanks - the src.zip dist is currently uploading on the server, It
should be there in 5 minutes.

> Just to say again, the above are just nitpicks.
> I look forward to exploring the latest wonders of a wonderful
> piece of work!


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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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