I have this in the tomcat/conf/config.xml:

<Context path="/cocoon"
docBase="C:/Apache/xml-cocoon2/build/cocoon/webapp" debug="0"

I use "build -D... webapp", for faster build times I commented out
<jar/> which creates cocoon.war.


> From: Rob Jellinghaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I am a large fan of IDEA (http://www.intellij.com/idea) and I am well
> the way to having a Cocoon project running under IDEA.
> However, the ideal scenario would be that I can get it so integrated
as to
> be able to:
> 1) Edit a Cocoon file.
> 2) Hit build in IDEA (which integrates with Ant).
> 3) Have IDEA / Ant build the classes into the Tomcat directory.
> 4) Restart Tomcat.
> 5) Test my change, debugging with IDEA via JPDA (which IDEA also
> The crux here is step 3.  My question, for those who do Cocoon
> with an IDE, is simple:
> When you rebuild classes, where do you set your Ant ${build.dir}?  Do
> have your build system output the classes directly to
> %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/classes?  Or do you rebuild the
> entire war and have Tomcat re-extract it each time you make a
> change?  (surely not!)
> Seeking your experience,
> cheers!
> Rob
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