
before now I was using Cocoon 1.7 but I'd like to change to Cocoon 2.0.
Unfortunately, when I run a simple example like samples.xml from Cocoon distribution,
I get the following message in the server's error log file.

[01/abr/2002:15:43:54] info (24579): DEBUG   (2002-04-01) 15:43.54:636   [cocoon  ] (/samples.xml) Thread-10/DefaultRoleManager: looking up shorthand sitemap, returning null

[01/abr/2002:15:43:54] info (24579): WARN    (2002-04-01) 15:43.54:638   [cocoon  ] (/samples.xml) Thread-10/ExcaliburComponentManager: Looking up component on an uninitialized ComponentManager: org.apache.cocoon.generation.GeneratorSelector

[01/abr/2002:15:43:54] info (24579): DEBUG   (2002-04-01) 15:43.54:638   [cocoon  ] (/samples.xml) Thread-10/ExcaliburComponentManager: Could not find ComponentHandler, attempting to create one for role: org.apache.cocoon.generation.GeneratorSelector

[01/abr/2002:15:43:54] info (24579): Exiting JVM
[01/abr/2002:15:43:54] info (24579): Aborting JVM
[01/abr/2002:15:43:54] info (24579): Exiting JVM due to: jvm_abort () and jvm.exitOnAbort > 0

My sistem is:

iPlanet 4.2 on Solaris 2.7
jdk 1.2.2
Cocoon 2.0


The cocoon.xconf  and sitemap.map files are the same as the Cocoon distribution.

The servlet Cocoon has been initialized with the param "work-directory" as "cocoon",
which exists in the document-root of the web server.

Could anyone help me, please?

Thanks in advance.


Maria Pilar Benito Diez                        


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