A Dangerous fix.  But if I had to speculate:  I imagine conn.close() is
synchronized.  Secondly, I imagine its logged.  Cause this to be a
warning (not be logged) and there should be a performance increase.. 
Cause conn.close() to not be synchronized (haven't looked...just a
guess) and there should be a performance increase.  close() probably
doesn't need to be synchronized necessarily.  (again, just guesses).


On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 03:38, neil wrote:
> I've been load testing my cocoon app with jmeter and I think I've found a
> SQLTransformer bug.
> My (MS SQL Server) JDBC driver was complaining about attempts to use various
> objects after they had been closed (Connections, ResultSets and Statements).
> In Query.execute() I think this bit should be removed:
>             } finally {
>                 conn.close();
>                 conn = null;        // To make sure we don't use this
> connection again.
>             }
> as it's incorrect to close the connection before you've finished with the
> ResultSets, Statements etc.
> The connection is closed later when SQLTransformer.executeQuery() calls
> Query.close() anyway.
> I know Connection.close() doesn't really close the connection to the DB
> (because its a pooled connection it just allows it to be recycled), but I
> think its reuse under load does cause problems. By removing these lines I
> was able to get my app to work correctly under heavy loads on a dual CPU
> Windows 2000 box.
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