Dear gentlemen:
  The Department of Library and Information Science of the University Carlos III (Madrid, Spain) has developed a scale model for the processing and diffusion in Internet of the judicial sentences emitted by the Spanish Constitutional Court. For it, the web server has been used Apache (version 1.3.20), the servlet Jserv Apache (version 1.1.2) and the Cocoon publishing framework (version 1.8.2). The URL of this web site is 
   We requested to you that you include this development XML under Cocoon technology within the connections that you sumnistran within the section " Live Sites powered by Apache Cocoon 1 ", with the following title " Sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid, Spain)".
Thank you very much.
Bonifacio Martín Galán
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación
Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
C/ Madrid nº 126   28903    Getafe  (Madrid)
Tfno.: 91 624 92 20     Fax: 91 624 92 12
  • ... Informació Aujac
    • ... Vadim Gritsenko
  • ... lucas
  • ... Jon Bitmead
  • ... Wes Morgan
    • ... Montier Patrick
      • ... Vadim Gritsenko
    • ... Vadim Gritsenko
  • ... Christoph Gaffga
    • ... Vadim Gritsenko
  • ... Bonifacio Martín Galán
  • ... Высоцкий Олег Михайлович
    • ... Vadim Gritsenko
  • ... Peter Hargreaves
  • ... brian
  • ... Ryan Agler
  • ... Lajos Moczar
  • ... Dean McGowan
    • ... Dean McGowan
  • ... Brad Rippe
    • ... Artur Bialecki

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