> From: Andrew John Savory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> Savory
> On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> > >  Type 'serverpages' is not defined for 'generate' at
> file:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/webapps/foo/sitemap.xmap
> >
> > Do you have it defined? (serverpages generator).
> Hi Vadim,
> Yes: it's definitely there:
>   <map:generator name="serverpages"
>     logger="sitemap.generator.serverpages"
>     src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.ServerPagesGenerator"
>     pool-max="32"
>     pool-min="4"
>     pool-grow="2"
>     label="content,data"/>
> It's odd as this was working with 2.0.1 and 2.0.2. I've tracked down
> changes (like moved cocoon.xconf, some changes in logkit.xconf and
> web.xml, some new jar files) but there must be one more change I
> spotted.

Agree - this is odd. :-/

Could you start with stock xmap/xconf and modify as needed, one step at
a time? Stock configuration is in working condition.


> Andrew.
> --
> Andrew Savory                                Email:
> Managing Director                              Tel:  +44 (0)870 741
> Luminas Internet Applications                  Fax:  +44 (0)870 28
> This is not an official statement or order.    Web:

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