> From: KOZLOV Roman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hello,
>     Vadim thank you for your advice. It helped me. I was busy some
time and
> had postponed this problem. Unfortunatelly it still remains.
>     I've found out that WildcardSessionAttributeMatcher (I'm using
> 2.0.1) doesn't see session attributes changed or created before in the
> request by some xsp

XSP *cannot* create session attributes *before* action invocation in the
*same* request because:

   XSP is executed *after* *all* actions, matchers, selectors.

Request is being processed by sitemap in *two* steps:
  1) Construct pipeline
  2) Execute pipeline

All matchers/selectors/actions are executed in step one; all
generators/serializers/transformers are executed in step two.

Hope this helps


> (I'm using aggregation of xsp and "cocoon://somepattern"
> which includes branch based on sessionstate matcher).
>     It seems that objectModel are not up to date at the processing of
> WildcardSessionAttributeMatcher.getMatchString method.
>     Is it a known problem?
>     I've tested it so: first, I call an aggregation which first part
is an
> xsp setting and printing session attribute "isChanged" and second part
> call to a pipeline via cocoon protocol wich returns some data if
> sessionstate matcher recognize that "isChanged" is "yes", otherwise
> xsp which prints a value of the session attribute "isChanged":
>  <map:match pattern="read_filtered_results">
>    <map:match type="sessionstate" pattern="yes">
>        <map:parameter name="attribute-name" value="isChanged"/>
>        <map:generate src="cocoon://read_query_results"/>
>        <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:generate src="cocoon://check_idlist_1.xsp"/>
>    <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>  </map:match>
>     Despite the first xsp in aggregation _always_ sets the session
> "isChanged" to "yes" or "no" (and first time it is "yes"), in the
> sitemap.log for the first call I always see:
>  HttpProcessor[8080][4]/WildcardSessionAttributeMatcher: Session
> 'isChanged' not set.
>     Though the second xsp (check_id_list_1.xsp), which is called in
> case, always prints correct value.
>     So the problem is an organizing of a branch in sitemap according
to a
> change of some session attribute calculated in xsp. Here "isChanged"
> attribute is just a flag.
>     Thank you for any response.
>         Roman

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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