In my experience, it is memory that is the key factor. Running with 
512MB allocated to the JVM, I can produce 53 pages of PDF, but no more. 
I would have thought that SAX-based processing would allow you to 
process as much as you want, but obviously there is something with PDF 
documents that eliminates this advantage.



caleb racey wrote:

> What factors limit the size of xml file you can transform to pdf?
> I'm testing out one of my pipelines that generates simple pdf from an
> xml file. When using a small (2kb) xml file it all works fine but as I
> begin to paste more (valid) xml into the file it stops working (at about
> 23k).  The pdf plugin in Internet explorer 6.0 says "the file doesn't
> start with %pdf" and cocoon throws the error 
> FATAL_E (2002-04-16)
> 09:47.15:055[core.xslt-processor](/cocoon/demo/short.pdf)
> HttpProcessor[8080][4]/TraxErrorHandler: Error in TraxTransform
> er: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException:
> Connection reset by peer
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException:
> Connection reset by peer
>         at
> org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute(ElemLiteralResult.j
> ava:725)
>         at
> org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(Trans
>         at
> org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute(ElemLiteralResult.j
> ava:
> 710)
> see attached file for full error log. 
> My server environment = Redhat linux 7.2, cocoon 2.0.2, jdk 1.3.1_02.
> The xml and the xsl transformations are alright as they work on smaller
> files. 
> Anyone know what is going on? Is this the IE acrobat problem that I have
> seen mentioned briefly on the lists. 
> Cheers Cal
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