Hello Andre,
        Thanks for the input....

I do not need to process the Data ..

Let me re-iterate the problem..

User is presented with a HTML form to upload a data file (XML or not).

The user then browses for the file on his m/c (client) and presses the
submit button..

Now this file has to be uploaded into a specific directory on the

My question is , Does cocoon have inbuilt functionalities to handle
Multipart requests or should I code it. At this moment I am not
considering in processing the contents of the file.

Could U please illustrate your approach (with code snippet, if possible)
, how to achieve just the transfer of file from client to a specific
directory on the server.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 1:53 AM
Subject: Re: File Upload using action or any other approach

Olivier Rossel wrote:

>>> Hello?
>>>             Has anyone accomplished to upload files from html forms 
>>> to the server to a specific directory ..
>> Yes, I did, with an action. What is the problem? 
> Can you please explain how you did that?
> Or may be provide us the code, if it is not copyrighted?

Well, the code is protected, so I cannot give you that. But it can be 
accomplished very simply in your action. We did things in a SAX way:

1. Get the file name that is stored in one of parameters of the your 
Request object, originally set by the HTML form on the client. It should

point to a local file on the server into which the content of uploaded 
file is now stored. With Cocoon it will point to a location under 
<tomcat>/work. At least, in our case it does.

2. Define a Reader that reads from that file.

3. Define a Parser with a ContentHandler in the same way as you would do

for a SAX parser, but, of course, your Parser doesn't have to be a XML 
parser. The ContentHandler could simply write everything it receives 
into a local file at your choice. In this way, one can store the 
uploaded non-XML file into a local XML file, but with the possibility to

use filters, as in SAX.

4. Start parsing: parse(reader).

This is just one very simple possibility. If your uploaded file is 
already well-formed XML, you could use for instance Xindice to store it 
immediately into a XML database without modification.

If you don't need filtering and checking the content of your file, step 
2 to 4 can be done much simpler, but I found that solution for our 
purposes more flexible, since we dealing with non-XML input files. We 
will combine things with Xindice.

I am sure, others have better solutions.

Hopes this helps,

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Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and            | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
     the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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