
While playing with the i18n transformations, I did write a french message
file messages_fr.xml for the i18n samples. You will find a copy of the file
herewith, as well as an updated version of the sample files simple.xml and
simple.xsp. For these files, I added the items and links (lang_id6) for the
new language:


I added the 2 following keys to message_fr.xml; but all the other message
files need also the new keys for the new language, which I did not fix:

<message key="lang_id6">fr</message>
<message key="language6">Français</message>

... If Kurt also submits these files: feel free to choose the ones you

By the way I noticed that when I was running simple.xml, the third article
just showed:

3. Article: Troisièmement

This is the corresponding code fragment from simple.xml:

        <i18n:param name="username">

I thought the second line should rather be:

        <i18n:text>Hello {0}</i18n:text>

and fixed it in the attached files.

On the same subject, I am not sure about the expected outcome of this
fragment from simple.xsp:

          <i18n:text>Hello, {0}! Glad to see you!</i18n:text>
          <i18n:param name="username">
              <xsp-request:get-parameter name="user" default="none"

It translates to:

Salut none! Ravi de te voir!

There is a key "none" in messages_XX.xml; from messages_fr.xml for instance:

  <message key="none">inconnu</message>

I thought that the translation was not the expected outcome and did patch
simple.xsp with the following code:

          <i18n:text>Hello, {0}! Glad to see you!</i18n:text>
          <i18n:param name="username">
              <i18n:text><xsp-request:get-parameter name="user"
default="none" as="string"/></i18n:text>

which not translates to:

Salut inconnu! Ravi de te voir!

I hope these nano-patches are somewhat useful... ;)

Olivier Lange

Le Petit Atelier de Génie logiciel
Frêne 11, 1004 Lausanne, +41-21-6487665, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- CVS $Id: messages_de.xml,v 1.1 2002/01/03 12:31:42 giacomo Exp $ -->

<!-- French message catalogue file for cocoon2 sample webapp -->

<catalogue xml:lang="fr">
  <message key="count_title">Cette page a été invoquée {0} fois. Dernière invocation: {1}.</message>
  <message key="a_key">Ceci est la valeur d'une clé.</message>
  <message key="lang_id1">en</message>
  <message key="lang_id2">ru</message>
  <message key="lang_id3">pl</message>
  <message key="lang_id4">es</message>
  <message key="lang_id5">hy</message>
  <message key="lang_id6">fr</message> <!-- [NEW] -->
  <message key="language">Allemand</message>
  <message key="language1">Anglais</message>
  <message key="language2">Russe</message>
  <message key="language3">Polonais</message>
  <message key="language4">Espagnol</message>
  <message key="language5">Arménien</message>
  <message key="language6">Français</message> <!-- [NEW] -->
  <message key="titletext">Bienvenue aux fonctions d'internationalisation!</message>
  <message key="doclink">Pour des informations détaillées, consulter la section i18n:</message>
  <message key="first">Premièrement</message>
  <message key="second">Deuxièmement</message>
  <message key="third">Troisièmement</message>
  <message key="forth">Quatrièmement</message>
  <message key="article">Article</message>
  <message key="article_text1">Ceci est un paragraphe auquel une transformation i18n a été appliquée.</message>
  <message key="article_text2">Ceci est autre un paragraphe auquel une transformation i18n a été appliquée et il s'en porte d'autant mieux!</message>
  <message key="copyright">Copyright © 2001 Konstantin Piroumian. Traduction française de Olivier Lange.</message>
  <message key="Hello, {0}! Glad to see you!">Salut {0}! Ravi de te rencontrer!</message>
  <message key="Kot">Chat</message>
  <message key="none">inconnu</message>
  <message key="one">un</message>
  <message key="two">deux</message>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:i18n="http://apache.org/cocoon/i18n/2.0";>
    <i18n:date-time pattern="FULL"/>
      <title>Cocoon 2 Web Site</title>
<!-- [NEW] -->
<!-- [/NEW] -->
        <title>English (US)</title>
        <title>English (GB)</title>
        <title>Russian (Russia)</title>
        <title>German (Austria, Euro)</title>
    <para title="first" name="article" i18n:attr="title name">
      <i18n:text i18n:key="a_key">article_text1</i18n:text>
    <para title="second" name="article" i18n:attr="title name">
    <para title="third" name="article" i18n:attr="title name">
<!-- [PATCH] -->
        <!-- <i18n:text>Hello</i18n:text> -->
        <i18n:text>Hello {0}</i18n:text>
<!-- [/PATCH] -->
        <i18n:param name="username">
    <para title="forth" name="article" i18n:attr="title name">
        One = {0}, two = {1}, {2}! {3}
        This line is not translated {3}
        <i18n:param name="one"><i18n:text>one</i18n:text></i18n:param>
        <i18n:param name="two"><i18n:text>two</i18n:text></i18n:param>
        <i18n:param name="third">baby</i18n:param>
        <i18n:param name="forth"> ~ </i18n:param>
      <para title="Number formatting (not translated)" name="article" i18n:attr="name">
          Number : {0} | Currency: {1} | Percent: {2}, processed on: {3}
          <i18n:param type="number" src-locale="en" value="1703.74" />
          <i18n:param type="number" sub-type="currency" src-locale="en">27.24</i18n:param>
          <i18n:param type="number" sub-type="percent" src-locale="en">1.2</i18n:param>
          <i18n:param type="date-time" pattern="MEDIUM"/>

Attachment: simple.xml.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: simple.xsp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: simple.xsp.diff
Description: Binary data

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