Hi all,

thanks to Vadim, I got it running.
My situation: I already have a servlet that outputs xml data and I want
to use cocoon to select dynamically the suitable stylesheet. I have to
put the session-id to the output document (inserting through xsl) and
handling my session data in my servlet.
It took some time for me to understand how all this should work (and a
lot of patience from Vadim ;-)
I attach my working code, just in case someone wants to do a similar
thing and is in need of some example code.

Things I had to be aware of:
1) It is important that my servlet is deployed under the same context path
   as cocoon, otherwise the session handling won't do.
2) The MyRequestAction is necessary to create a session and make it 
   available to the sitemap, so the id can be accessed through the
   stylesheet and cat be manually attached to the servlet URL
3) I know this is not the "normal" way of using cocoon, but it works, and
   it is really great ;-))

Thank you all


Attachment: sessionTest.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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