Title: Problems with XSP when upgrading 1.8.2 -> 2.0.2

I have looked in the mailing lists, to no avail, please forgive me if these questions have been answered already....
I have upgraded Cocoon 1.8.2 to Cocoon 2.0.2. Here's my setup:
Cocoon 2.0.2
Weblogic 6.0sp2
Solaris 2.6 (Sparc)
I have successfully installed C2, all the samples work, etc. but I am having a problem getting my logicsheets to work. I am having 2 separate problems:

Problem 1: Transition from DOM to SAX
In my logicsheets I have a number of places where I dynamically insert an XML document, then use the DOM API to access values of specific nodes. I have come to realize that since C2 uses SAX, I can no longer do this. Here's an example:

String name = "Joe";
NodeList ca = document.getElementsByTagName( "employee" );
if ( ca != null ) {
    Element element = null;
    String myAttr = "";
    int length = ca.getLength();
    for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
        element = (Element) ca.item(j);
        myAttr = element.getAttribute( "name" );
        if ( !myAttr.equals( name ) ) continue;
        myValue = element.getAttribute( "value" );
So if I have the following XML fragment:
<employee name="John" value="23"/>
<employee name="Jack" value="34"/>
<employee name="Joe" value="45"/>
<employee name="Joanne" value="56"/>
<employee name="Jimmy" value="67"/>
I want the value "45".  How would I do this with SAX?
Problem 2: request and response using C2 specific implementation, rather than javax.servlet.http.HttpRequest and javax.servlet.http.HttpResponse

I use some EJB's which have methods that take the built-in XSP variables 'request' and 'response' as params. It does not work now. Is there a way to cast org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request as javax.servlet.http.HttpRequest (and likewise for Response), or is there a better way to do it? I would like to avoid having to modify the EJBs, which at this point would be a Hurculean task.

Sorry if these don't seem to be Cocoon 2 questions, but I was thinking maybe some of you have similar problems.
Thanks in advance...
William Bagby.

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