> From: Christopher Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Can anyone help - from the archives I think there've been a few people
> this road, but I haven't see anything very hopeful.
> I'm trying to serve up static PDF files using
>    <map:match pattern="pdf/*.pdf">
>     <map:read src="pdf/{1}.pdf" mime-type="application/pdf"/>
>    </map:match>
> These are simply exposed as download/viewable files by <a
> href="pdf/something.pdf">
> If I right click and download, I only get the first 32768 bytes.
> The .pdf file file is 115Kb.
> Bizarrely, I can download all of an 82KB one with no problem
> I did a sanity check with a large (300kb) image file
> served by
>    <map:match pattern="images/*.jpg">
>     <map:read src="images/{1}.jpg" mime-type="image/jpg"/>
>    </map:match>
> which I could right-click and save OK.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Why the different behaviour?

Should not be. Reader processes all file types similarly.

> Is there anywhere where a max file size is set for static .pdf's or
> file types?

I don't think so.

> PS I can serve the pdf through another tomcat servlet OK
> Same behaviour in ie6, opera 6.0.1, ns 4.73

Try with "wget -S".
> Tomcat 4.0.1 Cocoon 2.0.1 WinNT4 jdk1.3.1

Try Cocoon CVS version (or today's snapshot).


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