> From: Rogier Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi,


> We've been running cocoon for some time now, and we really like it,
but we
> keep having problems with memory usage.
> We're running on a dual pII-700 with 1Gb memory and windows 2000
server. I
> just upgraded from jdk1.3.1_01 to 1.3.1_03, using the hotspot jvm, and
> cocoon 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 but is doesn't seem to solve the problems.
> The site we're developing is largish, about 1000 pages, and probably
> (too?) transformation intensive. A typical page transforms the
aggregate of
> about 5 elements, which each come from pipelines that do a couple of
> on data that is retrieved from an xml database with a custom Source.
> The problem is that with each page, looking at the Windows Task
> memory use increases by about 25M and although in the processes window
> java.exe will reduce memory now and again, system memory use stays

"Memory leak" occurs when memory is allocated from the heap and never
returned. Situation you describe is different and (except may be
increase in 25M) normal.

Unless you are experiencing OutOfMemporyExceptions I would consider that
system behaves normally.

The only thing you may want to investigate is 25Mb per request - but
this is observed only in your setup, so you should pick a tool and do
memory debug.

> I played around with the jvm -Xmx option, and with cocoon.xconf
heapsize and
> cached objects, but that didn't help. I was wondering whether anyone
had the
> same problems with cocoon, and I am of course very interested in
> tweaks, or configuration options that I may have overlooked.
> Regards,
> Rogier Peters
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Content Management Department
> Hippo Webworks
> Grasweg 35
> 1031 HW Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> Tel  +31 (0)20 6345173
> Fax +31 (0)20 6345179
> Rogier(at)hippo(dot)nl / www.hippo.nl

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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