
Little question about URL prefixes handling in pseudo protocols :

The sitemap allow the admin to associate one (pseudo)protocol with one
SourceFactory. But looking at the sources of the BlobSource, I've found :

-> private final static String URL_PREFIX = "blob:/";
-> if (!url.startsWith("blobl:/")) {
      throw new MalformedURLException("Malformed url for a blob source : " +

Is it normal for a source to check the prefixe ?

Since the factory is associated with one protocol, I thought that whatever
the prefix was, it was only used to selected the proper factory, and then
the Source should'nt be aware of the prefixe.

If the factory or the source "knows" the prefixe for any reason (please,
explain), why doesn't it tell the SourceHandler the prefixes it handles
(i.e. why do youhave to tell it in the sitemap, if you can ONLY use
name="blob" ?)


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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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