> People,
> I would like to know why you use Cocoon?
> Thank you,
> Edgar


I heard about Cocoon when I was searching a solution to a very precise

The client for whom I'm working uses lots of XML files to define the
characteristics of numerous parameters representing an engine. It looks like
a database, but unfortunately it's not a database. Just a big set of XML
files using a little set of DTDs.

The problem was : to allow someone, who doesn't know XML at all, to edit and
modify the content of these files in an easy way. We could have developed a
specific editor in C++, but the DTDs are still evolving a lot, and there was
also a big need to generate other formats of documents, such as HTML and

I first wrote a few XSL stylesheets in order to visualize the content of the
XML files in a nice way, in a web browser (I used IE6). Then I heard about
Cocoon and realised that it could feed my needs, with a little help from

I now have a nice Cocoon-based editor working in my web browser :
I can display the content of the XML files in HTML pages, edit and modify
them dynamically thanks to HTML forms, and make lots of specific search
requests. It works like a web site, with several sub-sections and lots of
automatically generated hyperlinks. And it's easy to use.

When a DTD is modified, I do not need to recompile anything : I just modify
the corresponding XSL stylesheets and JavaScript scripts. Indeed, it's
really efficient and easily maintainable. And my client is happy ! :)


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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