Dear All,

I've just started using Cocoon to implement a SVG-based traffic-data system.
I have an example site at
The site includes examples of XML transformations to HTML, PDF and SVG.
Most of the tricks have been painfully-earned (many by trial and error).

Anyways my point is that if there are any other beginners out there trying
to learn Cocoon/XSL etc..........maybe you would be interested in a
collaboration of sorts.
e.g. If there's anything on my site that you find of interest then i'd be
willing to provide the source XSL/sitemaps etc (and explain how it works)
Likewise if you have a working site that's got stuff might suit my work then
you'd return the favour

 - a sort of swap-shop for ideas and code if you get my drift.


Kieran Kirwan
Transportation and Traffic Engineering Section,
Civiele Techniek,  TU Delft,
Stevinweg 1, 2600GA Delft, Netherlands
phone: +31152785061
mobile: +31618913752

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